
SURF Communication Solutions Selected by Texas Instruments as Third Party Provider of Mobile Video Enabling Technology


SURF Communication Solutions (SURF), a leading provider of high-capacity multimedia (data, voice and video) enabling technologies and end-to-end communication solutions, today announced that Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) has selected SURF to provide their H.223 module affording mobile video content delivery with TI's TMS320CC64x+ and TMS320CC66x digital signal processors (DSPs).

Udi Shani, President & CEO explained, "H.223 is a crucial component for the ability to deliver 3G-324M video to the mass market over circuit switched mobile networks. The SURF H.223 module will enable TI customers to deliver mobile video content as well as live video communications to the rapidly growing markets in India, China and South America." Udi continued, "We are thrilled to be working with TI on the H.223 module which makes use of TI's highly scalable C64x+ and C66x family of DSPs delivering the highest overall performance in the market."

Ramesh Kumar, manager of TI's multicore and media infrastructure business commented, "TI's collaborative relationship with SURF Communication Solutions is based on SURF's mass deployment of field proven 3G-324M video based applications. With the availability of the H.223 module, the multiplexing layer of the 3G-324M, in conjunction with the vast array of video codecs already offered by TI, customers will be able to develop mobile video applications for products such as video gateways, video media servers, contact centers and emergency service centers to name a few."

To meet with a SURF representative, join us at the 2011 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, 14-17 February 2011 on the Texas Instruments' stand #8A84.

For more information about SURF products and technologies contact sales@surfsolutions.com.


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